

A trust is a legal relationship in which the holder of a right gives it to another person or entity who must keep and use it solely for another's benefit. The party who entrusts the right is known as the "settlor", the party to whom the right is entrusted is known as the "trustee", the party for whose benefit the property is entrusted is known as the "beneficiary", and the entrusted property itself is known as the "corpus" or "trust property".

  • The trustee is the legal owner of the property in trust, as fiduciary for the beneficiary or beneficiaries who is/are the equitable owner(s) of the trust property. Trustees thus have a fiduciary duty to manage the trust to the benefit of the equitable owners.
  • living trust it is common for the grantor to be both a trustee and a lifetime beneficiary while naming other contingent beneficiaries.An owner placing property into trust turns over part of his or her bundle of rights to the trustee, separating the property's legal ownership and control from its equitable ownership and benefits.

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